Simple Things

by - 3:11 PM

How many times have I passed by the little things? Only to go after the big ones - the big dreams, the lofty ambitions, the huge opportunities?

How many times have I aimed for the moon, falling back to earth only because I could not, would not appreciate the stars?

How many times have I not appreciated what I am blessed with already because I am too busy searching for something greater? Dreaming about something which may not be in God's plan? Not being satisfied with right now, right here - exactly where God has placed me?

For truly, it is the little moments that count. It is the time spent with family, a friend, a loved one - the laughter, the sweet words, the heartfelt talks.

It is the sunset on a warm summer evening, painted by the hand of God, telling of His unfailing love, and attention to the little details.

It is in the miracle of a butterfly - the transformation from something with little beauty to a dainty, intricate creature that makes us stop and wonder. 

It is in the spiritual gifts from God that He gives to me. 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Galations 5:22-23
And have I forgotten about the fact that God has given me HIS love - the greatest treasure of all?

Have I forgotten that I have been placed right here, right now for a purpose of God's calling? Have I missed the whole picture in seeing only my plans, and not God's way?


What about the small talents I have been gifted with now - how am I using these "little things" for Christ?

God places each of us in certain capacities, I believe, to work our characters and test our faith."What will you do with that talent I have given you?" ,  Jesus asks.

Just as in scripture (Matthew 25: 14-30) the man with servants gave each different talents according to their capacity, so we are given distinct and unique talents. God wants to see how we will use them.

Our goal is for Our Lord to say, "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25:23)

God fits us for bigger tasks by placing us with the little tasks. And it is the little tasks that shape us, and mold us for the greater ones.

If we are faithful in carrying out His mission in the small capacities that we now hold, and increasing these opportunities with our determination and faithfulness, God will open up new doors for us to walk through.

If we are pining for things that God has not revealed yet, and wish for that which we were not placed in, then how are we carrying forth the divine commission to be faithful in the few things? 

My desire is that I will notice the little things in my life that God has given me. The little tasks He has entrusted in my care. And do them well. Do them with a heart tuned to the melody of heaven and eyes fixed on the cross.

My prayer is that my heart will be soft to notice when others are in need of a kind word, helping hand, or silent prayer in their behalf. When someone lonely needs a smile to brighten their day. For, I cannot know when that word in season changed a life for the better. 

It's the little things that shape us, make us, and mold us into the individuals that we are. 

For, it is through the "little things" that we are able to reveal the love and character of Christ and touch one soul, one heart at a time.

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