by - 10:19 AM

Each of us has a Jericho. Each of us has a Goliath. Each of us comes to the walls, look up and cringe at the heights. We see the giant of a trial and our hearts shudder.  

Yet, something becomes apparent very quickly. We either go forward or fall back. We either shrug off our fears or let them overtake us. 

Do we want to take the wide path, the way paved with deceptive ease? Or do we say “NO!” And overcome through Gods grace with a “I WILL FIGHT, LORD”

Living safe does not mean living stronger. Sometimes turning our back on comfort and striking out on the conquerors path means letting go of our fears and just going forward in faith. 

Fear will cling to you and eat away at your very soul. It holds your heart captive, robbing you of joy, but letting God’s love in will let you truly live free again. 

You will be stronger with God’s love. Braver. Free. The one conquered by fear will be victor through Christ Jesus our Lord.

No longer afraid. ashamed. a slave to fear. 

First say, NO LONGER. I don’t want to live half alive. I don’t want to live frightened. I want to have my heart on fire for God and want to bless others freely and selflessly. 

Remember who you are. As you look up at the stars, remember you are a child of the Almighty GOD. You are precious, desired, wanted by the Lover of your soul.

So rest in that and boldly go forward. Each day a step forward, each moment a conquering of your fears and realization of God’ will. Knowing that the bonds which held you are broken and you are free - truly and wholly free.

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