My Story

by - 9:04 PM

If I told you my story, you would hear hope, it wouldn’t let go.
If I told you my story, you would hear love, that never gave up.
If I told you my story, you would hear life, but it wasn’t mine.
If I should speak, then let it be of the grace that is greater than all my sin.
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins.
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in.
Oh to tell you my story, is to tell of HIM.

  • My Story (Big Daddy Weave) 

Each of us have a story. Each of us have a journey. 
It is how we tell it that matters. Do we tell our stories and live our lives acknowledging that Jesus is the reason we have a heart which beats to His love and mercy?

When we look back, do we see God’s mighty hand as He’s woven the threads of our existence into a beautiful story? Do we tell of our victory over the enemy? Of freedom from despair? 

Or do we turn back the pages, only seeing the hardship, tears, and trials while missing the obvious reminders of God’s love?

We are here only because of Jesus’ love, His sacrifice, His goodness. Through Him we have life, and breath, and hope.

Our stories are unique - so unique, that no two are the same. Each of us has a unique beginning and a beautiful life-journey where God has led us even when we couldn’t see it. 

Our stories should be told, intertwined with God’s faithfulness. It’s really about perspective. What kind of eyes do we look at our journey with? Do we look with the eyes of hopelessness, letting the enemy have his way?
Or do we look with the eyes of faith and grace, shining hope and light on our life-path?

I like to think of our lives as beautiful books. Each chapter holds a new, life-changing transition and each page is beautifully written. God wrote that book. While you were being knit in your mother’s womb, God had a story for you already. He knew about that heartbreak you’d have one day, he knew of the greatest joys and the deepest sadness that would sweep your soul. 

When you were born, you were perfect in HIS eyes. And as you grew and became capable of choice He watched as the choices were made. Choices that were good. It made Him so happy to see you joyful. Choices that were hurtful - to you and others. It broke His divine heart to see your pain.

But He worked with you, allowing circumstances to blow, gently pulling you towards Him.
He worked through your mistakes and made good.

When you asked Him into your heart, He rejoiced and so did all the angels.
He molded your heart. He delighted in your soul warming to His love.

Life is never a smooth road, it is never flat, easy, level. There are many uphill climbs, downhill descents, rocky terrain, and flooded plains along the way.  Tears will flow - not every page in your book is happy.
Battle wounds will be inflicted  - not every chapter is easy.

But God is great. His love is infinite. He’s there by your side through-out every page and for each chapter of life.

So how will you interpret your life? Victorious over the enemy? Or despairing hopelessness?

Choose light! Choose hope! Choose victory!

Even if your life so far has been mostly uphill, just trust. Jesus is your Saviour. He’s enough.
He’ll take you into the plain, into the green pastures where your soul can rest.

Life is often messy, but it is a beautiful mess covered by Jesus love, HIs grace, and His faithfulness!

So look back with thankfulness. Acknowledge how God has worked. And turn back around and face the future with wondrous expectancy, waiting for what God has in store!

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