I Will Rest

by - 9:32 PM

Lord , I'm in the dark, Seems to me the line is dead when I come calling. No one there, the sky is falling; Lord, I need to know. My mind is playing games again, You're right where You have always been. Take me back to You, The place that I once knew as a little child; Constantly the eyes of God watched over me. Oh, I want to be In the place that I once knew as a little child... "I will rest in You"

When your mind is running ahead of God's plan, when waiting is painful and dreaming occupies your days, remember to just rest in God. Remember to be as a little child - in faith, trusting that what you do not understand right not, what you can't see,  what seems to make no sense at this moment is known by our loving Heavenly Father.

There is a beauty, a peace in just resting. In saying, "Lord, I don't know much, and what I think I know is nothing compared to your infinite mind. So, I rest in Your plans, Your ways, Your love."

But this means in no way that we should stand idle. Look for that job, search for the home, pray for a soul-mate, but never lose your child-like faith and the simplicity of just resting in God's hands.

When your mind seems to be playing tricks on you, when you can't seem to see a clear path for your feet, "look up".

Just as Pilgrim in Pilgrims Progress had to look at the light above him when he went through the slough of despair so that the steps would become visible, so we should look to heaven when things become unclear and uncertain.

Open your Bible, ask Godly council, pray continually - and the way will become visible to your stumbling heart. The answer might be "wait" and that waiting time will be exactly what you need to prepare for the soul journey ahead.

But the answer will come and when it does, when the steps are illuminated - take them. Don't hesitate. Move forward confidently, for heaven has made a way for you to walk through even the most difficult situations.

Just rest, knowing that God will make a way when there's none. He will make a path when there's an ocean of impossibility between. When there's no oasis for miles around a spring will well up from the very desert. You are in good, good hands.

So trust as a child trusts its parent implicitly. "Trust and obey! There's no other way to be happy, but to trust and obey"

And rest, knowing that God has everything in His hands and is watching over you, guiding each step - each heartbeat - each breath.

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