Step by Step

by - 2:32 PM

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! Romans 11:33

God leads in ways past finding out. His ways are higher than ours. His plans are larger and grander than we can ever imagine. And His design for our lives is more beautiful than our wildest dreams.

It takes pain to shape our characters. It takes tears to cleanse our souls. It takes hardship to mold our hearts. But this does not mean God is not there, every step of the way - through every tear that’s shed. Never for one moment listen to the lie that God is finished with you or that the trials are more than you can bear.

As long as you have breathe, God is working. Uniting your life with others. Connecting your life in His tapestry of Grace.

I know the feeling of waiting endlessly for the Lord to work. To hear the silence was more than I could bear. I would cry out to Him in the night and awake with a prayer on my lips. “Lord, I need you. I need you to work! NOW!”

Instead, there was a stillness and a calm that permeated my soul. How could I be calm when I was going through the dark valleys of uncertainty and pain? But God was giving me HIS grace to take one day at a time, one step at a time. A feat that only HE could do through me!

He knew I needed the trial to shape me, mold me, purify my soul. He was there for each heart-wrenching part of the journey. And I felt His presence.

Finally, when my last life-line was seemingly taken, when I saw no light - no hope of recovery, and no turning back - when I knew I could not do anything in my own strength - that’s when my Lord worked. 

When I realized that my strength came from HIM who made heaven and earth. When I came to grips with the fact that my life was completely and wholly HIS. When I “let go” and gave up in my own strength and my own might - well, that’s the exact time He worked! In a powerful way!

I can say that although I see only a little picture of God’s great glory and joy that He wishes to bestow on each of us, I realize what it takes to see it and appreciate those blessings.

I am thine, Oh Lord, 
and thine alone.
Take me, make me,
All thine own.

My desire is to live in the centre of God’s will, not somewhere off course or somewhere sort-of-fairly-close. My desire is to be so rooted in God’s will that nothing will deter it. 

Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When we take the Lord at His word, step into His plan, and take each day for what it is - a gift of God, an opportunity, a way to bless others - then we cannot be separated from the Lord and His will.

We must draw so close to the heart of God that even in the storm we will feel the calm of HIs presence. Even through the heartbreak we will feel loved - by Him and through Him!

So many times, our downfall is when we try to solve the puzzles or devise a plan for a quick solution to our problems. Instead we get patched up situations that are not perfect and mistakes that we wish never took place.
If we would just take each moment, each step, one at a time we will be able to savour life so much more and be able to find delight in the little things.

God is calling you to live a life that is in HIS will. He’s asking you to trust HIM so completely so that He can work where He needs to.

My friend, I know the way is sometimes hard. Sometimes it’s  so exciting and you just want the next step to come. 

But let me gently remind you that God reveals His plan just as much as we can handle. One breath, one second, one minute, one hour, and one day at a time.

So, take time to enjoy each step. Take time to draw near to God and He will give you all that you ever need.

And much, much more.

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