Each Breath that I Take

by - 7:38 PM

Each breath that I take, may it be a blessing.

Life: God's Gift

I was reminded of just how fragile and precious life is the other day.
Each breath we take, each heartbeat that beats is a precious gift, a beautiful reminder. A reminder that we are not in control. It is a blessing of God. 

So what will I do with this breath that I have been given?

I was reminded of the fragility of life just recently and my heart was touched knowing that I could bring hope to another human being with a very simple gesture. You will never know what a card, smile, or simple word of encouragement will do until you’ve tried.

If we would love more, hate less, bless more, take less - our lives would be so much more full and satisfied.

The love and be loved.
To bless and be blessed. 

This is what fills up our cups and overflows them. God blesses us in our lives so greatly. Our paths will definitely not be smooth the whole way, but look around. Has HE given you breath? Has HE given you a warm place to live? Family & friends that love you?
And most of all, HIS love. Hasn’t Jesus given you this as well? Didn’t He give you life over death, freedom over bondage?

In Christ we find our love, our life, our hope - why not share that with someone else?
As we touch another’s heart we not only change their lives but we ourselves are blessed.

Our lives are like wisps of smoke that come and go ever so quickly. How will you make the most of what God has given you?
How will you tell someone today, “You life is precious. Don’t give up”?

Truly, our life is a beautiful gift. What will you do with this gift?

Life: Our Mission:

Do you ever wonder as the days blend into months, the months to years, just what your mission is?
What the epiphany of life is? Why you are here?

Deep down, God has planted in each of our hearts a desire. To be something. To accomplish. To succeed.
To run the race. 

As a Christian we realize our destiny. But the rain and the storms dim our eyes. Our hearts become weak. We’re not sure if we’re ever going to make it. We feel torn down, broken.

But that flame is there, flickering still.  Deep in your soul, you know that you were made to run the race - the race of light over darkness, freedom over bondage. And as we go through life, we plant seeds of kindness, courage, and hope in others’ hearts.

Don’t give up. The prize is ahead, waiting just around the corner for you. This is not the end. That flame in your heart was given to you to be a shining light, so that you can fulfill your life mission: to bless, serve, and minister to others.

Courage will come in the darkest nights. You were made for this day. You were made for each day that is given you. Each breath is a gift. 
And your life is unique. Only YOU can accomplish the mission you were given. Each of us were gifted with talents that we can use to God’s glory. 

Will we let discouragement take us captive or take hold of Faith and let God free our hearts?

Don’t lose hope, focus on the mission at hand.

How can I BLESS Someone TODAY?

How can I REACH OUT to someone TODAY? 

How can I bring HOPE to someone today?

We were all were made with a desire, a yearning to accomplish something great. And this is our ultimate mission. To become light-seekers and reflect that light of Jesus Christ to the world.

We may not find ourselves in influential positions, meeting world-changers, and making life-changing decisions. But who says that smile you just gave that sad elderly man did not bring hope back into his life? Have you ever wondered what just one kind word, smile, or simple gesture can do to the receiver’s life?

The power of our actions are unprecedented. The reach of just one smile could light up the whole town. 

By blessing others, we are blessed. By loving others, we feel loved. By touching another’s hearts we light up ourselves.

So, next time you are discouraged, find someone to bless or even pray for that day. See if it doesn’t change your heart!

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