Letting go {and letting God}

by - 8:18 PM

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jeremiah 29:11

When things don't make sense, when our lives seem full of questions and our hearts are puzzle pieces : let go.

When the road is barely visible, when fog  wraps us in the unknown and we are stumbling and trying to find answers : let God work.

Letting go means we accept the fact that we are not in control. That whatever lays ahead is in the Almighty's hands. When we can accept this then we can truly let go. (Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7)

When we realize that each breath is loaned us, that what our next breath holds is not ours to know, that God has an infinite plan for that next minute, hour, day - only then we can truly let God work.

How often we fall into discouragement and uncertainty - even anxiety- when we try to control our situations and future. We try to hold on to our frailty and instead we should be reaching out for the immortal hand which has been offered.

When we have let go and let God, we will be really living. It's a daily struggle. A daily dying to our heart desires. A daily surrender to Gods design for our life, love, and how we use each and every life-giving breath we are leased.

The offering of our hearts and concerns to our Saviour will be our very freedom from them. Then, God's love will surround us, fill us, and overflow our hearts. His mercy will be evident everywhere we go. His miracles will be looked for, pondered over, and treasured.

We will lose our me-centred attitude and will gain empathy for those around us. And then we will really see God working.

We will be a vessel which God can work in and through.

And what about our future? Well, it will be right where it belongs. Not in our weak hands, but in God hands.

And then the future is very bright indeed!


Dear God, I surrender. Wholly and completely. Your love is so beautiful and your plan for life is perfectly designed. Work today in me. Shine your love in me today. Help me to be confident in uncertainty knowing that you hold my life in Your hands.    

Radiate your goodness outward from my life. May I be a bright star of hope in someone's dark sky. I rest in You, your peace is mine, my heart is Yours.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. {Philippians 4:6-7}

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