The Spirit's Whisper

by - 2:24 PM

Often we expect the sound of a loud roaring ocean, a swirling whirlwind, or fire and brimstone kind of answer from the Lord when we open our hearts to "listen". What we don't expect is a still, small voice whispering into our souls "I am here, child. Wait and watch me work. I love you. Just be quiet and let my peace surround you in this moment."

God delights when we come to Him. The words of a devotional I read last evening spoke to my heart - the message was profound. God can do ANYTHING for us but he first waits for us to come to HIM with our requests. He wants us to place our weak, fragile dreams in His hands and by placing them there we let Him work.
God loves to work when the human hand reaches for The divine. When weak humanity grasps the hand of divinity, the impossible will become reality.

But, there will be times when we must wait in the silence and hear the whisper of God's spirit. That's when powerful character is built. When our answers are not visible but God's presence is felt. We trust implicitly on the words we read in the Word and rest in the knowledge that Our divine King knows best. That we be fulfilled and happy is His greatest desire. But Our God knows what gives us true fulfillment and happiness. That fulfillment comes from waiting and listening to His still small voice. Sitting at His feet in humility and searching the Word to know His plan for your life.

Many today believe that God will work in grand and marvelous ways constantly on your behalf. This is true, God does work powerfully for us. But it is a misconception to believe that this is the way to know God is working - by signs and miracles.

Many times we will not see His hand. The clouds may hide the sun. The rain may seem to pour from the heavens, but God will be working still. The peace that He will give through the turmoil will be a miracle. The grace He gives to you to get through each day will be your sign that He is still there, guiding and directing.

We are warned that many miracles will take place, but will be from the enemy of our souls. That signs and wonders will be displayed, to deceive the very chosen ones. We must test the spirits, weigh them by the scriptures, and be satisfied with the answers God gives be it in magnificent ways or quiet, reassuring ones.

Be attuned to the spirit. See what it has to tell you today. And just like Elijah in the time of old who expected God to be in the noise of the thunder, you may be surprised to find that the spirit is softly speaking to you - you just have to open your ears to hear its gentle whisper.

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